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Explosion Panel – Vent Pro

Designed to open immediately at a predetermined pressure. Their purpose is to protect the system on which they are installed from an excessive increase in pressure caused by dust or gases.

The explosion venting devices are pressure sensitive and are one of the most basic types of explosion protection. When the static opening pressure is exceeded, the explosion venting device opens and the resulting explosion and pressure are released into the surrounding area in a controlled way without serious damage to the structure of the protected technology. VENT PRO is an effective and economical solution providing protection against damage caused by combustible dust explosions

Benefits and Application

  • Dust class St1 / St2 / St3, hybrid mixtures, metallic / non metallic dust
  • Static opening pressure variability
  • Oprating temperature up to 240 C
  • Abrasion resistance, weathering resistance
  • Easy installation, minimal maintenance
  • Accessories: opening indicators, thermal insulation, installation frames, flame deflector (DivEx)

Flameless Explosion Venting

The FLEX flameless explosion venting device is a suitable solution for installation on technological equipment inside buildings or in production halls. Unlike conventional explosion venting, where temperatures up to 1 500 °C can be achieved, the FLEX device can cool the flame and flue gas temperatures to a level that is no longer dangerous for technology and the people around the equipment. FLEX meets the strictest requirements of the legislation for flameless venting and is certified according to EN 16009.

Benefits & Application

  • dust class St1 / St2 / St3
  • recommended for facilities with metallic and non-metallic dust, including melting, fibrous and coarse-grained dust
  • extremely low MIE, MIT
  • effective flame and temperature capture
  • suitable for technologies with higher hygiene requirements
  • use in outdoor and outside zone · possibility of curved design
  • minimum safety zone requirements to better facilitate the movement of personnel
  • suitable for vertical conveyors
  • standardly equipped with an explosion venting device with an opening indicator

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Line ID : santithep_s